David Icke ‘Conspiracy Realist’ – The Nature of Reality


David Icke has dedicated decades of his life into researching topics such as the nature of reality and global affairs. He is well known for his abundance of work and for topics that some have described as controversial.

Children That Remember Past Lives – Unknowable Information Proven True + Psychics


Common questions on life after death include – What happens? Where do we go? Do we see loved ones? The videos below show the research that different people have done into answering these questions, starting with a video from The Infographics Show named ‘Science Experiment Proves Afterlife is Real’ that summarizes on many of these questions.

The Fibonacci Sequence/Golden Ratio – Nature’s Coding/Mathematical Construct of the Universe


Physicists are discovering more and more evidence suggesting that the universe is holographic in nature. Modern genius Elon Musk is a renowned name that believes ‘we live in a simulation’.

Mind-Blowing Near Death Experiences (NDE’s) + Past Lives and Psychics


Common questions on life after death include – What happens? Where do we go? Do we see loved ones? The videos below show the research that different people have done into answering these questions, starting with a video from The Infographics Show named ‘Science Experiment Proves Afterlife is Real’ that summarizes on many of these questions.

Dolores Cannon – The Unexpected Findings of a Hypnotherapist


Dolores Cannon started as a hypnotherapist to help people overcome addictions. Her career led her down an unexpected path where she delved into the subconscious mind.

In the Mind of a Genius – Nikola Tesla, the Greatest Mind in History?


‘Nikola Tesla was a scientist, physicist, engineer and inventor, but none of these words sufficiently describe the life and genius of Nikola Tesla.’ He has been named by many as the greatest mind in history.

Akashic Records – Mind Cloud? A Fresh, Ancient Insight on Memory, Thought and a Library of All that’s Happened!


Research into the relationship between memory and the brain is offering a different insight into how these work together. It is commonly though that memory is stored ‘in the brain’. Despite this, the brain has been described by neuroscientists as ‘a transmitter and receiver of signals’ like a computer. As such, some are opting to the ‘possibility that memory is stored on a cloud similar to that which modern technology uses’. From this, your brain transmits and receives the signals to retrieve the memory.

The Aether/The Field and The Michaelson-Morley Experiment – ‘Proven Since 1986’


The Aether is an invisible material thought to permeate all the empty space in the universe. It has been used by famous thinkers and scientists from Aristotle to Nikola Tesla and Isaac Newton to explain the mysteries of the natural world.

The 9 Solfeggio Frequencies – Powers of Nature’s Healing Frequencies


Tesla, Einstein, the Emerald tablets, Ancient Egypt and many other sources talk of the impact of frequencies on the nature of reality. Tesla was quoted, “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

Consciousness, The Holographic Universe/Simulation Theory/Matrix – Insights into the Nature of Reality from Renowned Physicists and Researchers


Physicists are discovering more and more evidence suggesting that the universe is holographic in nature. Modern genius Elon Musk is a renowned name that believes ‘we live in a simulation’.