
Physicists explain that the Universe and nature have a mathematical construct. This construct is known as the Fibonacci Sequence (or ‘Golden Ratio’). The sequence has been called ‘nature’s formula’, as it is seen throughout nature. Examples of this can be seen in the images below:

The Fibonacci Sequence is as follows: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144 and on to infinity. Each number is the sum of the previous two. ‘This series of numbers is known as the Fibonacci numbers or the Fibonacci sequence. The ratio between the numbers (1.618034) is frequently called the golden ratio or golden number.’

This ‘golden number’ was known in ancient times and was used to build ancient architecture such as ‘The Great Pyramid of Giza‘.

This mathematical formulation of the universe deepens contemplation into the idea that a ‘great mind’/’God’ created our whole reality construct (as everything in nature operates in patterns of logical maths). This also links to more evidence surfacing that suggests the universe is holographic in nature. Elon Musk is a household name that believes we live in a simulation and the concept has been discussed by reputable physicists on renowned platforms such as World Science Festival and TED Talks.

The concept is based on a number of principles. These principles include the idea that everything you experience is how your brain (‘your consciousness filter for to experience this reality’) is decoding waves and electrical signals. Your brain perceives information in ‘the field’ to make up this reality. More can be read on this in our holographic universe post here.

Check out the videos below that discuss the Fibonacci Sequence in more detail:


The Physics of God by Joseph Selbie

Joseph Selbie’s book ‘The Physics of God‘ discusses a number of topics on the nature of reality. You can listen to the audiobook below:


You can read more on the Holographic Universe here and the Fibonacci Sequence here. Also, here is the World Science Festival’s official website for further reference –

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