David Icke ‘Conspiracy Realist’ – The Nature of Reality


David Icke has dedicated decades of his life into researching topics such as the nature of reality and global affairs. He is well known for his abundance of work and for topics that some have described as controversial.

The Fibonacci Sequence/Golden Ratio – Nature’s Coding/Mathematical Construct of the Universe


Physicists are discovering more and more evidence suggesting that the universe is holographic in nature. Modern genius Elon Musk is a renowned name that believes ‘we live in a simulation’.

In the Mind of a Genius – Nikola Tesla, the Greatest Mind in History?


‘Nikola Tesla was a scientist, physicist, engineer and inventor, but none of these words sufficiently describe the life and genius of Nikola Tesla.’ He has been named by many as the greatest mind in history.

Dr. Bruce Lipton – Your Mind has Power Over Your Genes!


Stem cell biologist, bestselling author and recipient of the Goi Peace Award, Dr. Bruce Lipton is internationally known for his work and conferences. He is best known for his findings that gene expression is influenced (via epigenetics) by environmental factors. In turn, people have a greater impact on their health than genetic research had previously determined.

The 9 Solfeggio Frequencies – Powers of Nature’s Healing Frequencies


Tesla, Einstein, the Emerald tablets, Ancient Egypt and many other sources talk of the impact of frequencies on the nature of reality. Tesla was quoted, “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

The Kybalion – The 7 Hermetic Principles of Natural Law


Hermes Trismegistus is the alleged author of the Corpus Hermeticum. From the teachings of Thoth of ancient Egypt (and Hermes himself of ancient Greece), the Hermetic Principles are described as the 7 natural laws of the Universe.

Dr. Joe Dispenza – Life Changing Findings of a Renowned Neuroscientist


Dr. Joe Dispenza is a neuroscientist, international lecturer and bestselling author. As a researcher, his work lies in the latest findings of neuroscience, epigenetics and quantum physics. He uses this knowledge to help people achieve goals and aspirations, as well as to heal people of illnesses, chronic conditions and even terminal diseases.

Consciousness, The Holographic Universe/Simulation Theory/Matrix – Insights into the Nature of Reality from Renowned Physicists and Researchers


Physicists are discovering more and more evidence suggesting that the universe is holographic in nature. Modern genius Elon Musk is a renowned name that believes ‘we live in a simulation’.

Sworn to Secrecy – Masonic Beliefs on Life After Death, ‘The Grand Architect’ of the Universe and More


The masons are an organization well known for their secrecy. However, some researchers and ex-masons have given insight into their beliefs. This includes a strong belief in the afterlife, including claims from an old mason that they believed you had to pass away to get to the next degree of masonry and gain it in Sirius (the star often shown in Masonry and Ancient Egypt, where they also strongly believed in the afterlife, hence mummification). 

The Three Amigos – A Collaboration of Great Minds; Gregg Braden, Bruce Lipton PhD and Dr. Joe Dispenza


In these videos, we have three bestselling authors and leaders in their fields of science coming together to discuss their ideas. These are Gregg Braden, Bruce Lipton PhD and Dr. Joe Dispenza. Some of the videos also include teachings from Dr. Bob Proctor, Napoleon Hill, Neville Goddard, Les Brown and Dr. Wayne Dyer.