Your Wish is Your Command – Kevin Trudeau on Secrets to Success and the Law of Attraction


‘Kevin Trudeau was part of numerous secret societies from a young age. This helped him learn unique techniques for success and the law of attraction. His teachings include his detailed breakdown of how the law of attraction works based on universal law and brain waves, as well as techniques to success that is kept from the mainstream.’

Earl Nightingale and Napoleon Hill – Pioneers of How to Achieve Success


Earl Nightingale & Napoleon Hill are famous for studying the most successful businessmen in America of their eras. From this, they wrote many publications on how these people had achieved such great success.

Mike Dooley – Notes from the Universe; If I Achieved my Dreams, Anybody Can! Choose to be Successful!


Dr. Bob Proctor is an expert in wiring the brain for success and achieving goals. He studied both himself and others to see what made them so successful. His findings include the influence of the subconscious mind on our successes and how to stop unhelpful paradigms to make way for new paradigms.

Dr. Bob Proctor the Success Guru – How to Wire your Brain for Success


Dr. Bob Proctor is an expert in wiring the brain for success and achieving goals. He studied both himself and others to see what made them so successful. His findings include the influence of the subconscious mind on our successes and how to stop unhelpful paradigms to make way for new paradigms.