Worth Knowing That

The Secret‘ is a book written by Rhonda Byrne which due to its success was then made into a well known film that reached a wide audience. It helped spread teachings on the Law of Attraction and positive thinking to greater masses. This incudes how your thoughts and in turn, your feelings create your reality, as such you create your reality.

Many may doubt whether they can achieve their goals, but this information has inspired and motivated many to focus on their goals and achieve them, due to its empowering self-practicality. A multitude of research and successful entrepreneurs backs the teachings, some of which can be found in the Law of Attraction category.

Due to its popularity, there have been many spin offs reviewing and/or incorporating these teachings. Like any production, it did face its critics. The overlying criticism being that it focuses on the non-physical mindset and thoughts, but then not the following up with physical action too. In other words, the foundational first step of manifesting is thoroughly explained (thought and feeling), but the second step to complete the manifestation process is not mentioned as much (physical action from the thoughts and feelings created).

Here is the full movie and here is the book:

Learn more about the Law of Attraction here.

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