Worth Knowing That

The Emerald Tablets were written by Thoth also said to have reincarnated as Hermes Trismegistus or Hermes the Thrice-Great, as he reincarnated three times to continue rule and that he knew the three parts of the wisdom of the whole universe. The three parts of the wisdom are alchemy, astrology, and theurgy. A leader of ancient Egypt, he is often referred to as ‘a God’ and in ancient texts was said to have ruled for thousands of years. The image below shows Thoth (left) and Hermes Trismegistus (right).


There are many interesting things written about Thoth, including that he helped the funerary deities as a messenger and bookkeeper for them. He was responsible for recording the verdict of the heart-weighing ceremony that determined if the person was able to continue on to the Afterlife. If the person’s heart (spirit) balanced with Ma’at’s Feather of Truth, they passed.

The Emerald Tablets are inscribed with ancient wisdom on how reality and the Universe work with reference to the Hermetic Principles, as well as secrets of the universe and divine wisdom. A profound text on consciousness, the origins of man, and reincarnation. Laid the groundwork for the practice of Hermetic alchemy. In our modern world somehow we have come to view alchemy as a science of materials. Changing lead to gold. However, the truth of alchemy lies in mastering principles of the universe so that one may master his/her own mind. Changing a lower state of consciousness (lead) to a higher one (gold).

Acknowledging that they were created on an imperishable material, suggests that they held the knowledge in high regards and is a lot less likely to be fable like some critics try to suggest. The source of the original Emerald Tablet is most commonly said to have been found in a caved tomb under the statue of Hermes in Tyana, clutched in the hands of the corpse of Hermes Trismegistus himself.

It is said that Thoth ‘divided his knowledge into 42 plates of emerald, codifying the great scientific principles ruling the Universe. The legend tells that after the gods’ fall, the Hermetic tablets were cleverly hidden so that no human being might find them all. Only Thoth, on his return to that dimension, was able to recover the mysterious book.’

There are many profound quotations from the tablets, some of which are written below (and all of which can be listened to in the videos further down the page):

‘Master are ye of your destiny, free to take or reject at will. Take ye the power, take ye the wisdom, shine as a light among the children of men.’

‘Fire, the inner fire, is the most potent of all force, for it overcometh all things, and penetrates to all things of the earth.’

‘He who knows the light that is within himself shall ascend unto the eternal light and dwell in it eternal.’

‘Wisdom is power and power is wisdom, one with each other, perfecting the whole.’

‘Keep thou not silent when evil is spoken, for Truth, like the sunlight, shines above all.’

‘Be thou not proud, Oh Man! in thy wisdom; discourse with the ignorant, as well as the wise.’

‘From the womb of time wisdom might rise again in her children.’

‘Silence is of great profit, an abundance of speech profiteth nothing.’

‘If thou be great among men, be honoured for knowledge and gentleness.’

‘Then having drunk deep of the cup of wisdom I looked into the hearts of men, and there found I yet greater mysteries and was glad, for only in the Search for Truth could my Soul be stilled, and the flame within be quenched.’

‘Amenti, leaving behind me some of my wisdom. Preserve ye and keep ye the command of the Dweller, lift ever upwards your eyes toward the light. Surely in time, ye are one with the Master, surely by right ye are one with the Master, surely by right ye are one with the ALL.’

Here are some videos both reading and discussing the tablets. You can also get a copy of the Emerald Tablets here:

You can read more on ancient knowledge here, as well as more on the Hermetic Principles here.

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